Department of Educaitonal Testing and Quality Assurance
Cập nhật lúc 22:32, 21/02/2023 (GMT+7)

1. Introduction 

The Department of Educaitonal Testing and Quality Assurance is a functional unit under the University of Law – Vietnam National University, Hanoi established by the Director of the Vietnam National University, Hanoi. 

2. Function

Advise the Rector on the development of plans, operational procedures and organize the implementation of academic assessment and comprehensive education quality assurance for the University; conduct examinations, activities to ensure the University’s quality of education in accordance with the regulations of VNU and the Ministry of Education and Training.

3. Missions and competency in academic assessment 

- Draft and submit administrative documents on academic assessment to the Rector for promulgation; instruct, monitor and urge units and individuals under the University to carry out examination activities in accordance with the regulations of VNU and the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Coordinate with academic departments, offices and other functional units to build a common test bank for the whole University and manage the test bank system for each subject at all levels and programs.

- Advise the Rector on the promulgation of decisions to establish the Examination Board, Team of Exam Supervisors, Team of Exam Makers, Examination Secretariat, Team of Anonymization, and Team of Exam Evaluators before each examination period according to the education regulations.

- Organize the drawing of exam questions, printing and copying exam papers, receive examination scripts, conduct the anonymization process, organize the marking of scripts, upload the results into the system, synthesize, conduct statistic work and announce exam results.

- Coordinate with the Education Management Office, academic departments and other functional units to assist the Rector in organizing the remark and resolve any enquiries on the exam results from students at all academic levels and programs at the University in accordance with the regulations of VNU and the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Manage, store and keep confidential exam questions, scripts, exam results in accordance with the regulations of VNU and the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Synthesize the exam results and manage the overall grade of students from different academic levels and programs at the University.

- Organize the evaluation of diplomas and certificates of students.

- Propose the Rector to issue certificates of academic results; transcripts of records for the semester, the school year, the academic program for students.

- In charge of organizing professional training on academic assessment work.

- Perform other assignments from the Rector related to academic assessment.

4. Missions and competency in education quality assurance

- Research, draft and propose to the Rector to issue administrative documents on the work of education quality assurance; implement solutions to ensure the quality of education at the University.

- Act as the focal point between academic departments and the Department of Academic and Student Affairs for the construction, revision, storing of curriculum, course outlines and và the assessment process.

- Research, evaluate the quality of education activities, and report to the Rector so that measures are taken to improve education quality.

- Organize the collection of students' feedback on the University’s curriculum and education activities. Conduct surveys, evaluations with alumni, agencies, organizations, businesses, employers... for feedbacks to ensure and improve the education quality and meet the needs of society.

- Research and build the tools to evaluate the curriculum, the professional qualifications of lecturers, and the learning conditions of students.

- Organize the implementation of self-assessment; guide and support units in self-assessment; organize internal assessment and participate in external assessment with standardized testing of education institutions and curriculum at the request of VNU and the Ministry of Education & Training.

- Organize and coordinate with the academic departments, offices and functional units in updating information and proof from units following the University’s standards for quality assurance; organize and maintain the University 's database on quality assurance.

- Synthesize information and report on quality assurance and assessment activities in accordance with the regulations; act as the focal point for collecting and storing the University’s data for inspection and preparation of statistical reports; perform the three transparency requirements in the field of quality assurance in accordance with the regulations of VNU and the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Provide consultations to the Rector, develop the plan to overcome limitations and weaknesses in the education quality of the University after the assessment; guide, supervise and inspect the implementation of quality assurance conditions in all units of the University.

- Provide consultations to the Rector, organize training for the staff and lecturers on education quality assurance activities of the University.

- Provide consultations to the Rector and act as the focal point in partnership with local and international higher education institutions and organizations in education quality assessment and assurance.

- Perform other assignments from the Rector related to education quality assurance.


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